Weeds are pesky nuisances that can infest your landscape. Weed control can be taxing and can take up a lot of maintenance time. However, there are a few things that you can do to control and combat weeds. 

Install Mulch 

Mulch and other landscape fillers act as a natural weed combatant. Mulch can help promote plant health and discourages the development of weeds when installed properly. These installations also act as a beautiful addition and element to any landscape. 

Spray Treatment

This weed treatment option involves spraying weed and weed beds with herbicide. In addition to spraying the weeds, laying down a granular pre-emergent that prevents new weed growth and development. 

Pulling Weeds

Often times, when weeds are pulled, the root beneath is not confiscated. This allows weeds to continue growing even though they appear to be gone on a surface level. Manually pulling weeds can be time-consuming, but when done properly, it can also be extremely effective. 

If your lawn is infested with weeds, call Earthworks Unlimited today. We are experts in weed and lawn care and can ensure a weed-free landscape. For more information, call us today! (864) 423-3844. 

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